4 episodes about merkel

Ep 1212: No Longer a Player in International Affairs But France Remains Sanguine

Simon Kuper talks to Eamon about the reaction in France to the AUKUS deal, Emmanuel Macron as he faces an election in 2022 and the impact of Angela Merkel's departure from German politics. Simon Kuper is a columnist with the FT and author of Barca: the Inside Story of the World's Greatest Football Club.

Ep 1204: European Union - Searching for a Role in a Dangerous Changing World

Naomi O'Leary, Irish Times Europe Correspondent, talks to Eamon from Strasbourg.

Ep 798: Europe Divided On Pandemic Bailout – Angela Merkel's Greatest Challenge

Naomi O'Leary, Europe correspondent with the Irish Times and host of the Irish Passport podcast, talks to Eamon about the EU's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Ep 708: A Pivotal Moment For Europe

Naomi O'Leary, Europe correspondent with the Irish Times and podcast host of theirishpassport, talks to Eamon about tensions between European nations as they scramble to deal with the coronavirus crisis.